Ford : Mk3 Cortina - Cinema Launch Ad - 1970
Decade: 1970
The Mk3 Cortina was quite a departure from its predecessors. Inspired by the American "coke bottle" fluted bodywork styling of the time, and 4 inches wider than the Mk2, the emphasis is on family practicality based on a racetrack proving ground.
The Mk3 Cortina was quite a departure from its predecessors. Inspired by the American "coke bottle" fluted bodywork styling of the time, and 4 inches wider than the Mk2, the emphasis is on family practicality based on a racetrack proving ground.
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- Title: Ford : Mk3 Cortina - Cinema Launch Ad - 1970
- Date: 21st August 2020
- Summary: The Mk3 Cortina was quite a departure from its predecessors. Inspired by the American "coke bottle" fluted bodywork styling of the time, and 4 inches wider than the Mk2, the emphasis is on family practicality based on a racetrack proving ground.
- Country:UK
- Collection:Beaulieu NMM
- Decade:1970
- Keyword:Ford, Europe, USA, Cortina, Race Tracks, Manoeuvrability, Performance, Stamina, Road Holding, Big Interior, Manual, Automatic, Engine Options, Prize Winner, Cinema, Commercial, Promotional Film, 1970, Beaulieu